About Me

saeHi I’m Stacey! By day and night (not so much in the morning), I am a freelance web designer/developer (don’t judge me by my blog, this is supposed to be a hobby). In my abundance of free time (yeah, that was sarcasm), I love to “get into things” and muddle around. I think I have muddled my way through most of my life so far. Hence, one of my famous sayings, “I make it up as I go along”.

I bore easily. I have erratic diverse taste in design, music, food, movies, and really just about everything else. Some may think that I lack focus, I think that I enjoy variety.

Besides my freelance web design & development business; the husband and I occasionally purchase storage units, I have two self-published children’s books, we own an online store, sell other things through miscellaneous channels of the web, I have an MLM business, and now a new blog. Most are successful, some not so much. I am also currently taking 3 online web development courses.

I like to think of myself as a jack-of-all-trades, master of none. I am okay with that, it is variety that adds the spice to life, right? I have created this blog to keep up with my own interests, likes, and a few dislikes, but if someone happens to find it entertaining or useful in some way, that makes me Laughing

Extra Info About Me…

Everyone knows that I like blue, monkeys, & monster trucks (blue monkeys driving monster trucks would be the ultimate) but did you know?

  1. I am Polish which means I am “thrifty”, not “cheap”
  2. I like circles and other round objects
  3. I like boxes but not circular boxes (I don’t like squares but I like boxes cuz you can put stuff in ‘em)
  4. I wear monkey slippers about 95% of the time
  5. I have “backup” pairs of monkey slippers, I go through about 2-3 pairs a year
  6. I rarely leave the house in the winter months
  7. I will only drink milk out of certain glasses cuz otherwise I think it smells like dog
  8. I don’t like the color red but I do like burgundy, crimson (dark reds). I still don’t like to wear them
  9. I make up songs and sing all the time about whatever I am doing unless I am sad or crabby. (just because I sing doesn’t mean I sing well)
  10. Dumb jokes are my favorite and I really do find them funny
  11. I get lost all the time, even more than the people that know I get lost know
  12. I really do make it up as I go along
  13. I don’t like shopping
  14. I wish I had blue eyes
  15. I feel naked without jewelry
  16. I love black boots (I guess this one is pretty well-known)
  17. I have to be “in the mood” to wear other colors besides black otherwise I think I look funny
  18. My favorite flowers are Daisies, I like all kinds of them
  19. I love old Christmas movies (Holiday Inn, White Christmas, etc.)
  20. I love a wide variety of music (from Dr. Demento to Slayer and everything in between) but I think my favorite would have to be 60′s & 70′s folk

Stuffed Pepper Soup

I really wanted to share this recipe for Stuffed Pepper Soup because it is FANTASTIC! If you love stuffed peppers, or at least like them, this is easy, filling, and so delicious. The "special" things that I do to make it great are noted below. This actually comes out thick, not soupy.

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End Endometriosis Pain

Since my very first menstrual I have suffered from painful periods. After countless tests, numerous doctors, and 25 years of searching, I have finally found something that helps and I want to share it with others that suffer from endometriosis.

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